Thursday, June 12, 2008

Having A Bad Day?

Interesting post in The Positivity Blog. All of us have bad days, we feel off or unproductive. Shaking off whatever causes the bad day is difficult. The blog offers several points to help, I have reordered them and put my own twist on them:

Work out: Working out helps me clear my mind, getting off whatever is bothering or frustrating me. I am always refreshed and productive after I've worked out. Beyond the health benefits, working out helps me focus and be more effective. I encourage every professional to take a few minutes in their day to work out in some way.
Give value: This startled me, but when I got to thinking about it and my own personal experience, it made a huge amount of sense. Too often, when we have a bad day, we get consumed by ourselves--typically, this lead me further down. Giving value, finding a way to make a difference for someone else, breaks me out of this cycle. It stops me from thinking about myself and gets me to thinking about others and other things. It doesn't have to be a "big" thing. It could be a phone call, and email, taking the time to listen to someone.

Try something new: I'd add Do Something Different. If you keep doing the same thing, more often than not, it produces the same result. If that is the cause for your bad day, how will doing it more change things?
Ask the right questions: Questions like "Why did this happen to me," keep you mired in the situation. Questions like "What is awesome about this situation," "Is this really important in the long run," and others help you get a different perspective.
Get enough sleep: I might add---take a nap. Typically, we have bad days when we are tired. You tend to have a better day when you are fresh.
Eat: I'm not sure about this one, but the variation I believe is drink water! Hydration counts!
Just do it: Do what you really want to do.

Some interesting things to think about!

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